Download packages & Licensing

Monolix Plugin source code and Mlxlibrary are hosted on DDMore sourceforge.
Monolix and Mlxlibrary are delivered by Lixoft, to use these software you should get a license from Lixoft web site .

Monolix license activation

  • With a license file: copy the license file to <SEE INSTALL PATH>/Monolix432/bin/monolix_mcr/runtime/config/system/access
  • With an activation key go into the directory <SEE INSTALL PATH>/Monolix432/bin/monolix_mcr/runtime/lib and click on licenseActivate.exe. A popup appears then you can enter the activation key provided by Lixoft.

Mlxlibrary license activation

  • With a license file: copy the license file to <SEE PATH/TO/MLXLIBRARY>/config/system/access
  • With an activation key go into the directory <SEE PATH/TO/MLXLIBRARY>/lib and click on licenseActivate.exe. A popup appears then you can enter the activation key provided by Lixoft.

Converter build instructions

  • Download plugin from sourceforge, by using git or by downloading git snapshot
  • Go into 'setup' directory and execute setup.bat (under Windows OS) or (under Linux OS). This setup download Monolix, Mlxlibrary an libs used in the build chain
  • To build the Lixoft plugin you can follow the instructions of the 'readme' stored into the doc directory :

    Build under Window OS (x64)


    • Visual studio 2010. To change the compiler the file build.bat should be modified : the CMake generator should be updated.
    • cmake (>= 2.8.4)


    • go into 'scripts' directory and execute build.bat
    • this command create and (located into tools directory)

    Build under Linux OS (x64)


    • g++/gcc (>= 4.4)
    • cmake (>= 2.8.4)
    • p7z-full


    • go into 'scripts' directory and execute
    • this command create and (located into tools directory)


    to clean directories you can execute '' under linux OS and 'clean.bat' under windows OS

Build chain description

The setup command downloads libraries and tools needs by build process. The build process is launched by the command 'build.bat' (Windows OS) or '' (Linux OS) and execute the following task :
  • create build and runtime temporary directories
  • patch qt.conf into lib to setup qt path
  • execute cmake
  • make lixofLanguageTransltor (the tool that converts the PharmML file into Monolix Project or Mlxlibrary model and Lixoft scripts to PharmML)
  • copy the created tool into Monolix plugin and Mlxlibrary tool directory
  • generate Monolix plugin by using the ant command and jdk version 1.7
  • finally, zip plugin and Mlxlibrary folder

Language translator

Tool description

The tool 'lixoftLanguageTranslator' allows to convert model and project file format. Under conditions, it is possible to generate Monolix project(and model) or Simulx model from PharmML file. It is also possible to generate PharmML file from Monolix project.

Command line usage

lixoftLanguageTranslator --from=<mlxproject|mlxtran|pharmml>
                         --input-file=<monolix project file|mlxtran file|pharmml file>
                         --output-file=<pharmml file>[--ouput-dir=<conversion result>]